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Hello, %recipient_fname%!

I am happy to announce that Cantina will be hosting the next Purple Monkey Game Jam on May 19-20! The space will be open from 9am to 6pm on Saturday and 9am to 6pm (or last demo) on Sunday.

We will be sending out a survey shortly after this email that will allow you to submit themes. After the submission deadline is passed we will send out another survey where you can vote for your favorite themes.

It was mentioned at the last event that we would be running the event more often throughout the year, but life comes at you fast and this didn't end up happening. Because of this we are going to try and run the event at the same time each year to allow for more planning both on our part and on yours.

We are going to keep things pretty much the same as last year save for one small detail. We will be forgoing the intro talk and keynote. We want you to have the most time possible for building awesome stuff so instead of taking up time at the beginning of the event we will be posting a short video the night before explaining the event, a few tips for making the most out of your time and finally, the theme.

If you have any questions regarding the event, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can respond directly to this email, message us on Twitter or via the Meetup event page.

We hope to see you soon!

- Scott