Getting Started
Below is a list of helpful resources to take advantage of during the game jam.
- Game Programming Patterns - Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns I found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster.
- Game Accessibility Guidelines - A collaborative effort between a group of studios, specialists and academics, to produce a straightforward developer friendly reference for ways to avoid unnecessarily excluding players, and ensure that games are just as fun for as wide a range of people as possible.
- Phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- pixi.js - Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.
- Crafty - Crafty is a JavaScript game library that can help you create games in a structured way.
- isomer - Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas.
- Love2D - LÖVE is an awesome framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It’s free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
- Corona - Corona is a cross-platform framework ideal for rapidly creating apps and games for mobile devices and desktop systems.
Asset Creation
- Tiled Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It is meant to be used for editing maps of any tile-based game, be it an RPG, a platformer or a Breakout clone.
- Zwoptex Use Zwoptex to create sprite sheets in just a couple of clicks. With powerful features, super turbocharged algorithms and an amazingly elegant interface sprite sheets could never be easier.